First Day At The New Place

After my dentist appointment yesterday, I decided to stay at the new house. In hindsight, it probably wasn’t my brightest moment.

I was already behind the sleep curve for the day because of the dentist. And I haven’t gotten a good night (day) of sleep in over a week.

My blackout curtains haven’t arrived yet.

Every house makes different noises, and it takes a while for my body to learn what’s normal, and what should set off an alarm.

My bed is still at the old house, leaving me to sleep on the mattress that will now be the guest room bed.

The refrigerator is functional, but completely empty, unless you count the ice.

I have, but have not yet installed the water filter for the sink, and unfiltered municipal water makes me want to retch. My emergency car stash of bottled water was a casualty of B, and has not yet been replaced.

Unbeknownst to me, the idiot who installed the shower valve set the scald protection to the most conservative setting possible, which allowed the water to get to within about ten degrees of lukewarm. In other words, cold as fuck. And my allen wrench set, which is needed to adjust the setting, is at the old house. Somewhere.

But I’m in. And, although not perfect, it’s pretty nice. Fuck B!

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